Oslo Vestbane (withOthers)
In 2002, the Norwegian State held an international competition for a 130,000 m2 development which included the new Deichman Library and Stenersen Museum, as well as commercial, residential, and office programs. With the winning entry, REX/Spacegroup proposed a central cultural complex linking Vestbane’s cardinal points. This approach ensured the site’s coherence while accommodating the presence of the Nobel Peace Prize Center and three commercial lots set aside for future development. In 2007, the City of Oslo ratified REX/Spacegroup’s design into a regulation plan, purchased the cultural site from the State, and commissioned REX/Spacegroup to research potential programmatic combinations for the cultural site beyond those of the original competition
Brian Foster was a Architect at OMA/REX for the Oslo Vestbane Project during the Competition, Concept and Schematic Design Phase.
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